WRTL Merlot
January 23, 2018
Renegade Stud Llama for Breeding
WRTL Renegade
February 22, 2018
Milo Stud Breeding Llama

~ Stud Prospect | Unique Genetics
ILR #: 289861
DOB: 10/24/2016
Height at Withers: 46.5" Still Growing
Weight: 333 Still growing
About: This young fella is a chip off the old block. He is coming around nicely and is the replacement for his old man "sire". We are thrilled to have him and his full brother for breeding and packing. These guys are the dream team. They have it all, intelligence, high output and endurance, muscling, athleticism and the magical edge that you look for in a herd sire.

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