Sully - WRTL
HI TRL Sully
February 20, 2018
Jackson Pack and Breeding Llamas
February 21, 2018

~ Extreme packer, elite producing female, ideal conformation
ILR #: 287157
DOB: 6/12/14
Height at Withers: 50"
Weight: 420
Notable Progeny
*WRTL Mendosa (2017 cria choice of the year)
About: Ivory is a joy to be around. She has a fun and playful personality. She is a heavy milker adding almost 2 pounds to her babies per day. She is a half sibling to the famous Vali Shaman (stud), and is every bit as powerful and long strided as her brother. She is one of the top picks of ranch visitors. Her Canadian heritage are represented very well in her. She is likely the best female progeny ever produced out of her Sire Hi Trl 6-3-0.

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