Maverick Llama
February 21, 2018
Oliver - Breeding and Pack Llamas WRTL
Oliver Twist
February 21, 2018

~ Our Desert Girl - The symbol of our ranch
ILR #: 287320
DOB: 11/23/2006
Height at Withers: 49.75"
Weight: 465
Notable Progeny
*WRTL Jimmy Big Time - WRTL Chalula - WRTL Cassuis Clay
About: Miss Kay Miss Kay Miss Kay- there is a lot of llama to love with Miss Kay at almost 50" and 400 + pounds. She is very gentle, a great worker, one of our best mothers, the protector of the pasture and the herd matriarch. Miss Kay was born and raised in the Filer Desert on the Idaho/Nevada border in the wild. The BLM/local ranch was selling the domestic herd of llamas that numbered over 200 when we found them. Out of all the llamas in the herd she stood out. After wrangler her and bringing her home she grew and grew and turned out to be an trail hardened packer. Miss Kay is one of the corner stones of our breeding herd. We are blessed to have her at the WRTL Ranch.

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