Miss Kay
January 24, 2018
Gunsmoke Llama Stud
OPTL Gunsmoke
February 28, 2019
Oliver - Breeding and Pack Llamas WRTL

~ Young Stud | Top Packer
ILR #: 287881
DOB: 05/25/2014
Height at Withers: 49.25" Still Growing
Weight: 404
Notable Progeny:
*2018 His first crias will hit the ground
About: He will have his first crias in the spring of 2018. We are very excited to see them grow and mature. He is a sturdy male that has great body proportions, nice topline, long legs, great bone angulation and amazing bone mass. His looks like he works out in the gym and yet moves his body like an Olympian. He has quickly moved to the top of our breeding list. More to come from this guy.

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